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"""Generic thread tests. Meant to be used by dummy_thread and thread. To allow for different modules to be used, test_main() can be called with the module to use as the thread implementation as its sole argument. """ import dummy_thread as _thread import time import Queue import random import unittest from test import test_support DELAY = 0 # Set > 0 when testing a module other than dummy_thread, such as # the 'thread' module. class LockTests(unittest.TestCase): """Test lock objects.""" def setUp(self): # Create a lock self.lock = _thread.allocate_lock() def test_initlock(self): #Make sure locks start locked self.assertTrue(not self.lock.locked(), "Lock object is not initialized unlocked.") def test_release(self): # Test self.lock.release() self.lock.acquire() self.lock.release() self.assertTrue(not self.lock.locked(), "Lock object did not release properly.") def test_improper_release(self): #Make sure release of an unlocked thread raises _thread.error self.assertRaises(_thread.error, self.lock.release) def test_cond_acquire_success(self): #Make sure the conditional acquiring of the lock works. self.assertTrue(self.lock.acquire(0), "Conditional acquiring of the lock failed.") def test_cond_acquire_fail(self): #Test acquiring locked lock returns False self.lock.acquire(0) self.assertTrue(not self.lock.acquire(0), "Conditional acquiring of a locked lock incorrectly " "succeeded.") def test_uncond_acquire_success(self): #Make sure unconditional acquiring of a lock works. self.lock.acquire() self.assertTrue(self.lock.locked(), "Uncondional locking failed.") def test_uncond_acquire_return_val(self): #Make sure that an unconditional locking returns True. self.assertTrue(self.lock.acquire(1) is True, "Unconditional locking did not return True.") self.assertTrue(self.lock.acquire() is True) def test_uncond_acquire_blocking(self): #Make sure that unconditional acquiring of a locked lock blocks. def delay_unlock(to_unlock, delay): """Hold on to lock for a set amount of time before unlocking.""" time.sleep(delay) to_unlock.release() self.lock.acquire() start_time = int(time.time()) _thread.start_new_thread(delay_unlock,(self.lock, DELAY)) if test_support.verbose: print print "*** Waiting for thread to release the lock "\ "(approx. %s sec.) ***" % DELAY self.lock.acquire() end_time = int(time.time()) if test_support.verbose: print "done" self.assertTrue((end_time - start_time) >= DELAY, "Blocking by unconditional acquiring failed.") class MiscTests(unittest.TestCase): """Miscellaneous tests.""" def test_exit(self): #Make sure _thread.exit() raises SystemExit self.assertRaises(SystemExit, _thread.exit) def test_ident(self): #Test sanity of _thread.get_ident() self.assertIsInstance(_thread.get_ident(), int, "_thread.get_ident() returned a non-integer") self.assertTrue(_thread.get_ident() != 0, "_thread.get_ident() returned 0") def test_LockType(self): #Make sure _thread.LockType is the same type as _thread.allocate_locke() self.assertIsInstance(_thread.allocate_lock(), _thread.LockType, "_thread.LockType is not an instance of what " "is returned by _thread.allocate_lock()") def test_interrupt_main(self): #Calling start_new_thread with a function that executes interrupt_main # should raise KeyboardInterrupt upon completion. def call_interrupt(): _thread.interrupt_main() self.assertRaises(KeyboardInterrupt, _thread.start_new_thread, call_interrupt, tuple()) def test_interrupt_in_main(self): # Make sure that if interrupt_main is called in main threat that # KeyboardInterrupt is raised instantly. self.assertRaises(KeyboardInterrupt, _thread.interrupt_main) class ThreadTests(unittest.TestCase): """Test thread creation.""" def test_arg_passing(self): #Make sure that parameter passing works. def arg_tester(queue, arg1=False, arg2=False): """Use to test _thread.start_new_thread() passes args properly.""" queue.put((arg1, arg2)) testing_queue = Queue.Queue(1) _thread.start_new_thread(arg_tester, (testing_queue, True, True)) result = testing_queue.get() self.assertTrue(result[0] and result[1], "Argument passing for thread creation using tuple failed") _thread.start_new_thread(arg_tester, tuple(), {'queue':testing_queue, 'arg1':True, 'arg2':True}) result = testing_queue.get() self.assertTrue(result[0] and result[1], "Argument passing for thread creation using kwargs failed") _thread.start_new_thread(arg_tester, (testing_queue, True), {'arg2':True}) result = testing_queue.get() self.assertTrue(result[0] and result[1], "Argument passing for thread creation using both tuple" " and kwargs failed") def test_multi_creation(self): #Make sure multiple threads can be created. def queue_mark(queue, delay): """Wait for ``delay`` seconds and then put something into ``queue``""" time.sleep(delay) queue.put(_thread.get_ident()) thread_count = 5 testing_queue = Queue.Queue(thread_count) if test_support.verbose: print print "*** Testing multiple thread creation "\ "(will take approx. %s to %s sec.) ***" % (DELAY, thread_count) for count in xrange(thread_count): if DELAY: local_delay = round(random.random(), 1) else: local_delay = 0 _thread.start_new_thread(queue_mark, (testing_queue, local_delay)) time.sleep(DELAY) if test_support.verbose: print 'done' self.assertTrue(testing_queue.qsize() == thread_count, "Not all %s threads executed properly after %s sec." % (thread_count, DELAY)) def test_main(imported_module=None): global _thread, DELAY if imported_module: _thread = imported_module DELAY = 2 if test_support.verbose: print print "*** Using %s as _thread module ***" % _thread test_support.run_unittest(LockTests, MiscTests, ThreadTests) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main() |