Math: Ruining Everything Since Forever

Christopher Swenson

Confoo ca, Montréal 2017

What is this talk?


Who is this talk for?

Curious people who love math.

Slides available on GitHub


Who am I?

Christopher Swenson, Ph.D

Currently at Twilio, previously Google, US Government, Simple, Capital One.

I love math.

What are we talking about?

Weird math and computer math.

  • Rounding
  • Bits
  • Addition
  • Multiplication
  • IEEE 754
  • Fast Fourier Transforms
  • Fun stories

Math libraries

$ python2.7
Python 2.7.13 (default, Dec 18 2016, 07:03:39)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> round(1.5)
>>> round(3.5)
>>> round(2.5)

$ python3
Python 3.6.0 (default, Dec 24 2016, 08:01:42)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> round(1.5)
>>> round(3.5)
>>> round(2.5)


Banker's rounding.

There are a lot of ways to round numbers.

We want to round in unbiased way.

import random
def pick_num():
  r = random.random()
  num = random.randint(0, 10000) / 100.0
  if r < 0.1:
    return -num
  return num
l = list(pick_num() for _ in range(100000))
original_sum = sum(l)
rounded_sum = sum(round(x) for x in l)
bias = (rounded_sum - original_sum) / float(len(l))
$ python2.7
$ python3


Most math libraries have Math.pow.

Be very careful with it with large powers.

If you are doing modular exponentiation, use a different function

  • Python pow
  • Java BigInteger.modPow.


Easy to get wrong

  • "Normal": fast, insecure
  • Cryptographically safe: Slow

Good non-crypto: Mersenne Twister (Excel, PHP, Python, Ruby)

Not great: LCG ($x' = ax + b$)

Secure: Yarrow, Fortuna, SHA1PRNG


$x + 1 > x$, right?

$x - 1 < x$, right?

$ v8
V8 version [sample shell]
> 9007199254740992 + 1
> -9007199254740992 - 1

$-x \not= x$ (except $x=0$), right?

$ scala
Welcome to Scala 2.12.1 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_92).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.

scala> val x = -2147483648
x: Int = -2147483648

scala> -x
res0: Int = -2147483648

Adding numbers will never crash my machine, right?

def f():
  a0 = 0
  a1 = 1
  # ...
  a0 + a1 + # ...

In Python, it can with about 87,317 variables...

IEEE 754 Floating-Point Numbers

The beautiful and terrible standard.

"IEEE 754" is one of those phrases that strikes fear in the hearts of many progarammers, like

  • ISO 8601 (Time)
  • Timezones
  • Names
  • CAP Theorem
  • IE6 Support

double, 64 bits, 53 bits of precision

by Codekaizen, from WP

  • Can use integer comparison
  • Has weird things like -0.0
  • For very tiny values (subnormal, denormal), there are security risks
  • Ruby (CVE-2013-4164): parsing floating-point could overflow the heap

Fun stories!

Inverse square root

float Q_rsqrt(float number) {
	float x2 = number * 0.5F;
	float y  = number;
	long i  = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking
	i  = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // wtf?
	y  = * ( float * ) &i;
	y  = y * ( 1.5F - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration
	return y;

This is why good comments, variable naming, and breaking things down into functions are important.

Birthday Paradox

There are 366 birthdays. How many people do you need in a room before two have the same birthday?

About 23

Birthday Paradox Demo

Probability of collision by now:

This has lots of implications, but in general:

If there are $N$ choices of something picked uniformly at random, then it will take $\approx \sqrt{N}$ picks when you get a repeat with 50% probability.

Birthday Paradox and SHA-1 collisions

$160$-bit hash: $2^{160}$ possibilities

$\quad\Rightarrow$ $\approx 2^{80}$ work for a random collision

Less by taking advantage of weaknesses

Cannot find a parituclar collision, i.e., a pre-image

Danger: forge X.509 certs with duplicate signatures.

Benford's Law

More numbers start with 1 than 2, 2 than 3, ..., and 9 is the loneliest number of all.

Axiom of Choice

If you have an ordered, infinite number of sets $S_i$, you can create a sequence $x_i$ of elements each from $S_i$.

Banach–Tarski Paradox

You can cut a sphere (volume 1) into 5 pieces, rearrange them, and get 2 spheres of volume 1.

Follows from Axiom of Choice


Boring, I know right.

But what if I told you... we've only found fast ways to do it since the 1960s.

  1 2
× 3 4
  1 8
3 6  
3 7 8

4 ×    1 +

      a   b
×     c   d
    a×d b×d
a×c b×c    
a×c (a×d + b×c) b×d

4 ×    1 +

Can apply to large numbers recursively

Gives you $O(N^2)$ smaller multiplications

(Addition is always $O(N)$.)

Karatsuba found in 1960 that we can do it with only 3 smaller multiplies.

$(a\times c)$, $(a\times d) + (b\times c)$, $(b\times d)$


$(a\times c)$

$(b\times d)$

$(a + b)\times(c + d) - (a\times c) - (b \times d)$

3 ×    4 +/-

Toom–Cook: split into 3+ parts, and do, e.g., 5 multiplications instead of 9.

Schönage–Strassen: FFTs; $O(N\ \text{log}\,N\ \text{log}\,\text{log} \,N)$.

Matrix Multiplication

We've only found fast ways to do it since the 1960s.

$$\left[\begin{matrix}a & b\\c & d\\\end{matrix}\right] \times \left[\begin{matrix}e & f\\g & h\\\end{matrix}\right] = \left[\begin{matrix}ae + bg & af + bh\\ce + dg & cf + dh\\ \end{matrix}\right]$$

Naïvely, $O(N^3)$ multiplications

Strassen: similar to trick before gets $O(N^{2.8074}$) (1969)

... down to $O(N^{2.3728639})$ multiplications (2014)

... possibly $O(N^2)$ is the lower bound?

Discrete Fourier Transform

Any time-series of numbers (e.g., color, sound samples) can be converted into a set of frequencies (i.e., sin and cosine functions).

You are already familiar with this

(Photo by Javier Morales)

The key is that there is an efficient way to do this, called the Fast Fourier Transform. And it is magic.

FFT Computation

FFT-$n$: split it into two FFTs of size $n/2$:

One: $y = \text{FFT}_{\frac{n}{2}}(x_0, x_2, \dots)$

The other: $z = \text{FFT}_{\frac{n}{2}}(x_1, x_3, \dots)$

"Butterfly" them together

(note: $\omega^{\frac{n}{2}} = -1$)

$\quad x_{i\phantom{+\frac{n}{2}}}' = y_i + \omega^i z_i$
$\quad x_{i+\frac{n}{2}}' = y_i - \omega^i z_i$

Why is this important?


Images and sound require lots of raw data

Human eyes, ears bad at discerning fine details

So throw some of this data away!

This is how JPEG, MP3 work.

Keep the lower frequency "parts"


					function wave(duration, frequency, height) {
					  var pcm = [];

					  for (var i = 0; i < duration * hz; i++) {
					    var t = i / hz;
					    pcm[i] = height * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * t * frequency);
					  return pcm;

Simple Hz wave

new Audio(makeAudioFile(wave(1.0, 500.0, 0.1))).play()

Time plot:

Freq plot:

Hz wave

Hz wave

Time plot:

Freq plot:

Time plot:

Freq plot:

Last note: I am also a bad video game devleoper

But luckily, I kinda know math!

I have no idea how other people make video games, or say, sound in them, so I just make it up:

  • Generate raw samples at 48,000 Hz
  • Convert to 16-bit PCM
  • Add a WAV file header
  • Base64 encode
  • Play as a data URL
  • ... compose in JS console!